Spring is in the air! As the calendar turns us into a new weather cycle there are some important safety tips to keep in mind to keep you Australian Labradoodle thriving!

Foxtail Season

If you are out for walk this spring be on the lookout for foxtails. Foxtails are a tall grass with long, bristly spikes on each blade that can sneak up on your dog and cause some serious problems. If they bury in your dog’s fur, foxtails can continue to embed further with your dogs movement and cause infections quickly. To prevent foxtail problems, get in the habit of examining your dogs fur after each walk.

Springtime Slimdown

Pets will naturally pack on a little extra weight during the cold winter months. This is for warmth, but it is actually cause typically by a lack of exercise. Overweight pets are the leading cause of health issues in them. There is also no such thing as a “big boned” Australian Labradoodle. If you have any questions about a healthy weight for your dog please reach out to us or contact your vet. As the sun comes out this spring it is the perfect time to create a exercise routine for your dog and evaluate their feeding amounts. This includes meals, treats, & any “extras” someone in the house may be offering them. A slim and active dog is usually a healthy and happy dog. Just because a dog whines doesn’t mean they need food!

Springtime Cleaning

As you begin to bring out the cleaning supplies out for your own spring cleaning, keep in mind where your Labradoodle is. Some chemicals are not just harmful for them if they lick them. Some are toxic by them just being around them (smelling and contact in the air to their eyes). We advise all natural cleaning supplies, but when that isn’t possible consider what is best for your dog. They may need to go to a “friends” house for the day.

Green Grass

If you want to have the greenest lawn on the street you will typically need fertilizer to accomplish this. Most fertilizers are toxic to dogs. Some choose to go with organic fertilizers. These can still be harmful to dogs and have an even more enticing smell to them. If you fertilize your lawn please keep your Australian Labradoodle away from any treated area for at least 24 hours (which should include a watering of the lawn).

Slug Season

Image result for slugSlugs are hard things to love. especially when their slimy trails cut through your driveway or yard and destroy plants and flowers. While having slugs around can be a nuisance, slug bait is extremely dangerous for your Australian Labradoodle. The toxins in slug bait are often mixed with sugars to attract the slugs which will also entice your dog. Even a small amount can be fatal so research dog friendly solutions before just buying a product. Slug bait ingestion can cost up to $3,300 to treat if found quickly enough.